Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Garnet-throated Hummingbird

I've seen this bird illustrated. wow.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Birdingonthe.Net: "Colombia is both beautiful and birdy and now, after a long absence, back in the catalogs of US bird tour companies: VENT is running several tours this year and next (with Steve Hilty), Wings (with Barry Walker) has a tour in August, and it's reliably reported that Field Guides will have a tour announcement soon. We're just back from the Birdquest tour which I can very highly recommend. Among the many notable species seen were Santa Marta and Chestnut-naped Antpittas, Bearded Helmetcrest, White-tailed Starfrontlet and Blossomcrown, Beautiful Woodpecker, Apical Flycatcher, Yellow-eared Parrot, and Northern Screamer. The infrastructure and main roads are good but be prepared for some long days, long hikes and rough mountain roads."